Star Wars: The Force Awakens introduces a new millennial villain that is so damaged we wonder what on earth his parents did to him to make him sink so low into the abyss that is the dark side. Now you can follow Emo Kylo Ren @KyloR3n on Twitter and take a journey into his injured soul. And if you think you can relate to his pain, you can also tweet to Emo Kylo Ren. Here are some great ones.
dear diary
i met a guy at lunch named hux
he has read nietzche he says
he says everyone should read nietzche— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 21, 2015
i'm wearing this black armband in honor of darth vader remembrance day
it's every day— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 22, 2015
*applies black eyeliner*
my parents don't understand me and i hate them
*applies black helmet*— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 22, 2015
you can't truly appreciate the imperial march until you hear it on vinyl
— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 22, 2015
holden caulfield knows what it means to commit to a bold choice of headgear and i respect that
— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 22, 2015
*spends a whole afternoon unsuccessfully struggling to open a cling-wrapped My Chemical Romance cd*
— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 23, 2015
uncle lando said my helmet made me look like a depressed lampshade and then everyone laughed and high-fived him
i hate this family so much— Emo Kylo Ren (@KyloR3n) December 25, 2015