Hungry Empress Joan Chen makes potato egg avocado salad: “This is one of the simplest and most satisfying salads I have ever made. I have a friend visiting me from Beijing and he is a passionate potato lover. He can eat potatoes everyday and never get tired of it. I asked him how he wanted his potatoes cooked today and he said, “Oh it doesn’t matter. I can just boil it in water and eat it with a little salt.” So I boiled them for him, but added a few other ingredients than salt. The result was absolutely sumptuous.
When I was making the Greek yogurt dressing, I wished I had some lemon and coarsely ground Dijon mustard. However, the salad turned out very tasty without them. The Greek yogurt is tart enough without the lemon, and the garlic-chili-green onion combination was perfect for this salad. The pickled Thai red onion added a refreshing and piquant finishing touch. A yummy Sunday brunch!”