Category: Viralicious
Rainbow Cranes for Peace
Origami rainbow cranes were made for peace in Fushimiinari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan. Beautiful, right? And perfect for this pride season!
Less Gay White Boys, Please #GayMediaSoWhite
The internet is quietly smouldering with its latest racial equality trend, #GayMediaSoWhite. Mic reports that an initial tweet by songwriter Jesse St. John springboarded a…
The Shanghai Tower
Residing in Shanghai, filmmaker Joe Navis spent 6 years and over 1,000 hours to create this short of amazing time lapse video of building the…
Viralicious Year of the Monkey Animated GIF
Here’s the cutest year of the monkey animated GIF ever… totally viralicious!
Boopilicious Pencil Is China’s Latest Craze
What goes viral in China shows the singularity and insularity of Chinese culture from the rest of the world. Apparently taking selfies with a pencil…
This Monkey Will Give You Cancer
Ball-face. Tumor monkey. Traffic light. Never has a monkey been so hated. Chinese state-media CCTV launched Kang Kang last week as their official mascot for…
Eiffel 69 Hottest New Sex Position of 2016?
Jezebel magazine claims that Eiffel may be the hottest new sex position of 2016… go figure! Read Jezebel’s claim!
The Man Who Eats Peking Duck Like Nobody’s Business
Here’s the viralicious video of the man who eats Peking duck like nobody’s business! No wonder his figure matches his apetite!
Beware of Internet False Idols
We must share this beautiful and scary viralicious animated GIF..
Giant Squid in Japan
A giant squid was swimming inside the marina of Toyama and spotted by fishermen. Giant squids typically live 650 meters to 900 meters below the…
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