Posted in Culture Entertainment India


Indian Social media is expressing their dissatisfaction with the Censor Board for banning the kissing scenes from James Bond’s Spectre. Hashtag #SanskariJamesBond popped up with…

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Posted in China Culture

Chinese Cheat

The truth is out. Chinese people are the most dishonest. The result from a recent study on truthfulness by University of East Anglia in Britain which…

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Posted in Culture France

Dad Answers Son about Paris Attacks

Here’re a great Q&A between a French dad and his son about the Paris attacks. The dad tells his son, “France is our home.” The…

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Posted in Culture India US

Review: Aziz Ansari Strikes Out on His Own in Netflix’s Master of None

Best known for Parks and Recreation, comedian Aziz Ansari swaggers his way into big time in the new Netflix series, Master of None. Created by Ansari…

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Posted in Culture France Politics

Flowers for Paris

In the wake of yet another terrorist attack, artists and cartoonists from around the world channel their creativity into depicting the unphathomable act committed in the heart…

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Posted in @large China Culture

The Cotton Candy to End All Cotton Candy

As glorious as this cotton candy might look to the rest of the world, it’s apparently a rather common find in the side streets of China. We…

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Posted in Culture France

Best Thoughts to Paris

Let’s send our best thoughts to Paris now! As Americans, we get it. And let’s stop blaming Muslims and re-examine our unconstructive ways of dealing…

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Posted in Culture Dirty Laundry Taiwan Viralicious

Racists Are Like Crazies, They Are Everywhere

An incident happened on the MRT in Taiwan in October that just went viral. Two passengers were involved in a strangely quiet but racially-heated argument. From…

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Posted in Culture Entertainment US

Epop vs. Kpop

It’s Friday! Epop (English Pop) vs. Kpop (Korean Pop)!

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Posted in Culture Thailand

Victims of the Internet

Internet is fascinating as it randomly makes some people heroes and victimize others. It’s very much the devil’s playground. One tweet can shoot a 16-year-boy…

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