Author: Quentin Lee
Creator Koji Steven Sakai Explores Dreaming in His Latest Podcast Series Elucidity
As a collaborator with Koji Steven Sakai, a prolific screenwriter, creator and producer, I interviewed Koji on his first fictional and latest podcast series Elucidity which Voyage Media has just dropped on Apple Podcasts among other major podcasting platform.
Colette Vosberg Talks about Unusually Normal, Her Documentary on Three Generations of Queer Women in Canada
World premiering at the upcoming Inside Out Film Festival in Toronto, Colette Vosberg’s documentary feature Unusually Norman brilliantly portrays “the gayest family” in Canada that spans three generations of queer women. CHOPSO takes the opportunity to speak with Colette about her queerly brilliant documentary feature before its world premiere
Rika Ohara’s The Heart of No Place
Rika Ohara’s experimental feature “The Heart of No Place” imagines the life of Yoko Ono after the death of John Lennon. Rika herself plays the titular character Y. in her feature directorial debut that won accolades on its initial film festival circuit screenings. As the feature drops today on, I have interviewed Rika on her looking back at her own feature film.
Nathaniel Dolquist Created Hulkling and Wiccan
On Saturday, March 9, 2024, I was invited to the world premiere of the fan fiction web series Hulkling and Wiccan, produced by and starring a fellow Yale in Hollywood colleague, Nathaniel Dolquist. Unfortunately, when I got out of the Polish Golden Award event for my former UCLA professor Jerzy Antczak late, arriving at the Hulkling and Wiccan premiere, I had already missed the screening. Nevertheless, Nathaniel was kind enough to send me a screener the next day and I was immediately a fan after watching the full 6 part mini web series which has a running time 12 minutes or so. With a nod to contemporary television like Modern Family and the superhero cinematic genre, despite being a fan fiction series, Hulking and Wiccan created a genre on its own where the superhero genre meets LGBTQ cinema.
Young Man Kang Is Casting “Prayer International Series” in Rio
Young Man Kang is probably the most prolific veteran AAPI creator I know. Casting now, he is set to continue his ‘Prayer International Series’ with the next episode taking place in Rio de Janeiro during the Rio Webfest 2023 event.
First Person: Creating Last Summer of Nathan Lee
When I was going to high school in Montreal as a 15-year-old immigrant from Hong Kong, I remember meeting Nick, a fellow 11th grader, who…
Canadian Comic Victoria Banner Hates Stand Up
A star of the first all diverse Canadian stand-up comedy TV series by a BIPOC creator, Comedy Invasion, Calgary-based comedian Victoria Banner is releasing her…
A Requiem for Dennis Phung
Not only Dennis Phung was one of the first people I met coming to LA, he also turned me away from working in porn, not…
Karma’s Meth Nightmare by Donna Ong
Reminding me the early brilliance of Wong Kar Wai, Donna Ong’s fresh cinematic debut “Karma’s Meth Nightmare” is an imaginative experimental short dramatic film about a Nepalese teen experiencing a meth induced nightmarish and entertaining hallucination.
The Slants’ Founder Simon Tam’s Latest Television Series Premieres on AAM.TV
Simon Tam, founder of The Slants and The Slants Foundation, has created his latest television series titled Asian PaCIVICS featuring ten artists from the Asian American and Pacific Islander community who have written a song specifically to drive social change. Each has partnered with a grassroots organization in unique ways to support their chosen causes.
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